Click here to view our catalog on a different website or scroll down on the catalog below to view the offerings from the upcoming sale.
You can also download a PDF of the catalog by clicking here.
You can also download a PDF of the catalog by clicking here.
Take a look around our website. We offer pure-bred seed stock cattle, but at the same time believe strongly that Heterosis is an important aspect and offer cross bred cattle that perform! We follow aggressive and data defensible health programs in our herd. We understand and implement sound nutritional programs in an effort to maximize the genetic base of our livestock.
We believe in being fair and honest in all dealings with our customers, not just because that is the only way to stay in business, but because it is the right way to do business... |
"Agriculture is our wisest pursuit, because it will in the end contribute the most to
what matters, family, good morals & happiness."
what matters, family, good morals & happiness."
What sets Barker Cattle Company apart from the rest?
Genetics are at the center of any great breeding program including ours!
We strive to produce what you as the customer need. We use the most current sires on demand, keep replacement females that are production oriented and utilize EPD's to sell bulls and replacement females that will improve your herd and our own. Each spring we compile a group of bulls and females that we offer to you in our Annual Bull and Female production sale. Please keep a close eye on the website as we will post new information as it comes closer. |
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